New Classroom Technology
IAM boasts of WIFI enabled state of the art campus at Kolkata and a sprawling 24 acres hotel school at Guwahati. IAM provides some of the most modern facilities and resources for its students. The training kitchens and bakery, the training restaurants, training front office and guest room are all modern and fully equipped to import practical training of a high standard. New equipments are added every year to update the learning resources.
Career Opportunity
IAM has paved the way for many students to move onto a variety of successful careers. From managers of leading hotels like the Oberois, Taj or Hilton to consultants with international organizations like Deolitte MCS Ltd, U.K., many of our graduates have moved to diverse career fields like banking, telecommunications, marketing, finance, entertainment and event management and have created an excellent record of achievement in their chosen profession. The courses at IAM are designed to be relevant to the needs of the industry. So it is known that the learning experience here is of value not only to the graduates but also to the potential interviewers. Thus we have all the top hotel chains of the world conducting placement interviews every year at IAM.
New Student Orientation
Being a product of the Institute of Advanced Management, you are expected to be a global manager. The Institute has a MoU with the University and the students are offered a specially discounted fee to study the 3rd year at London.
Industry exposure
IAM’s objective is to prepare students for middle and higher management positions in a booming sector of International Hospitality and Tourism. To achieve this one of the important focus of the program is to provide opportunity for internship abroad. With years of strong experience in hospitality education the institute is ready to dispense an internationally oriented education, focusing on the balance between academic theory and practical professional experience. Institutes strong network and international links forged over a period serves to secure opportunities of training with branded hospitality chains in countries like USA, UK, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand and Dubai . Such training does not only make the student aware of the international practices and standards while strengthening his professional skills but also enriches him culturally and makes him a confident global citizen. While on training students have opportunity to earn a reasonable stipend . Depending upon the policy of the hotel under which he is training he may also be entitled to accommodation . The moment a student enters IAM , he becomes a part of strong network that exchanges job opportunities. I n t e r n a t i o n a l i n t e r n s h i p e n h a n c e s t h e employability of a student while he is looking for a job abroad.